Dentist in Westmont, IL
Kathryn Kennedy, DDS
Dentist in Westmont, IL
When you get a cavity, there are a few options for restoring your tooth. If it is a small cavity, you can do a “filling”. If it is larger, you can do an inlay or onlay restoration that involves taking an impression and having a lab make the restorative material that rebuilds your tooth. Similarly, if a larger portion of the tooth is missing, then you usually suggest a crown for a tooth.
When a tooth has a larger size restoration needed or a larger portion of the cusp of the tooth is missing, we may recommend an inlay or more commonly, an onlay porcelain restoration. You can think of these restorations are “conservative crowns”. There is less drilling than placing a crown and it preserves much of the original tooth structure.
When you think of the term “caps” you may think about Hollywood movie stars getting their teeth “capped” so they can have a beautiful smile. Well, a cap is essentially a porcelain crown that is put over a tooth. When a tooth fractures, is chipped, or has a root canal treatment, often a crown is one option to restore it.
When a patient is missing all or just several teeth, we discuss the option of dentures or partial dentures. While this is the easiest option to replace a tooth and possibly the least expensive, we will also discuss the option that includes dental implants for a more natural feeling restoration to improve your chewing and lip support.
Prior to doing a dental implant, Dr. Kennedy will sit down with you and review your x-rays, bone health, medical condition and options when looking to restore your mouth. Single tooth implants are becoming the standard of care these days as people chose to not drill down the adjacent two healthy teeth to put a bridge in its place, especially when it concerns the front teeth.
Office Hours
Office Hours
(630) 810-9940
331 W. 63rd St.
Westmont, IL 60559
We're located at the corner of 63rd and Willaims, one block west of Cass Ave.